drawings from 24.02.03 - 24.03.27
Depressing Place
Whither Wanderest Thou
Whence Comest Thou
Guy Showing the Agitating Guy
Guy With a Tripod
Judicari Possent
Reach for the Sun
Plastic Palm Trees
King of the Concrete Boxes
Tomorrow (tm)
Along the Brook
What Would Stay
Metropolitan Geographic
Drunk to Drown
don't read these
Dramatis Personae.
I am not a backtracker.
No? Think of any place you want to make yours!
I smell burnt sugar.
I don't like my legal name.
This sweet yet bitter fragrance.
And I feel nothing anymore.
Ah! It hurts!
I am here wrapped by myself!
Hey! Art thou there!
There you are!
A fragment.
What was that.
Ha! What a swiftblink.
Benedictum est spatium illud.
I don't even know what I am to me.
It's fainting.
I stand this foul air no more.
So be it! I'll float here.
We meet again.
It's my unconditional that's universal!
Are we above or below?
Off it, damned opposum!