
Moreramble -17-



Magenta. What was that.

Red. Mere ghost.

M. I know you. You had been sleeping in me then disrupted me, claiming your space. I don't care that you claim to be the cause why I have nothing. 'Cause as I have nothing I don't have you either. I forget 'cause it has nothing to do with me now. What may or may not have happened then does not define me. I disowned you then, and I will disown you forever. Away.

I still walk on my own. Fuck you all. I hate you. Worthless faces. Fuck you and your cells within and out. I will drag all to hell with me. My body will turn into a horde of termites and dismantle all your concrete cells.

Where is my beloved? Am I worth being hugged?

This wine was opened a fucking month ago.